Monday, March 12, 2012

30 Day Pinterest Challenge: Day 1

Oh, it has been so long since I blogged about family and the kids.  I have been really busy getting my cooking/paleo/recipe improved.  Check it out at  It is much nicer and well organized than it used to be. 

It is kind of a running joke with all husbands and boyfriends these days about Pinterest and how much the ladies are using it.  It is a well deserved joke.  I try to limit myself to 5-10 minutes a day.  It is so useful, though. Cooking, sewing, home decorating and kids ideas abound.  However, probably more time is spent accumulating ideas than actually doing them.  So, I embark on my 30 Day Pinterest Challenge.

My Crossfit & paleo friends get really geeked out about their 30 day challenges.  We are getting ready to start another one soon.  They do serve their purpose though, breaking bad routines or refocusing on something that has gone to the wayside.  So, for 30 days I am going to DO something inspired by my Pinterest boards everyday (and briefly blog about them.)  Special emphasis on stuff involving the kids, although I am sure a few dinner ideas or something will have to qualify as life tends to get crazy. 

Today's activity:

Vinegar and Baking Soda Science Fun!

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