Thursday, September 1, 2011

Library Cards!

Today we each became the proud owners of Library cards.  We really have the cutest library ever.  The kids were each able to get their own card and sign it.  They played with puppets, built with some blocks, made some friends and picked out two books.  Lucky for mommy, there is a table up in a quiet corner which is right next to my favorite section  - Nonfiction food, health and wellness - and the kids perused birthday cake decorating books while I picked out some things for me to read. 

I loved that out of the 3 cards to choose from, 1 being a graphic of the library and 2 others which were pictures drawn by children, that H wanted the picture of the library because she wanted the library on her card.  She is so grown up.  I think that H and I could live there and be perfectly happy.  E was extremely well behaved in the library but has to be reminded several times to use his quiet voice.  This is tough for a little boy whose Daddy is pretty loud and his Grandpa is known by the nickname "Whisper".  (Sarcasm at its best.)  He did an amazing job, but as soon as we got outside he started to lose it and was full out falling apart by the time we made it to the car.  He held it together as long as he could.  You will notice in the picture below where the kids are sitting outside that he is sitting on his books "hiding" them, because he was losing his patience with the whole thing.


  1. This is so cool. When the good fortune of starting my own family comes along, I'm totally starting one of these blogs like this. Such a great idea.

  2. Thanks, Mike. I get to be a kid again, right along with them. It is quite a blessing. :)
