Friday, October 7, 2011

My boy is 4!

This is just one example of my son demonstrating his genius abilities.
Yes, the truck pushes the bottle across the floor, carefully balancing the golf balls.

And no, it isn't beer, it is pear cider, because we are gluten free. And no, he didn't drink it, his daddy did. I think it is a remarkable way to incorporate a few of their favorite shared interests. 

Birthday boy manning the train at Eckert's.

Icing his own Paleo Pumpkin Chocolate Chip birthday muffins.  He loves to eat and loves to cook!

Toothfairy Visit

It truly seems like I was just excited because H got her first tooth. Now I am watching them get loose and fall out.  She lost this one on the way home from a shopping trip at Whole Foods.  Her smile as I have known it for 5 1/2 years has changed forever.  Now she has a "window." (Thanks to Sharon from the Craft Caboose for the term "window", she is so excited about it!)
The "tooth." H made me take a picture, before we never saw it again.

With the tooth box she got from her cousin Taylor.

Hamming it up.

Showing it off!

Kirkwood Farmer's Market

So lucky to live so close to a year round Farmer's Market. For the fall they have added a pumpkin patch, mums, playground and a "corn pool." We probably went 5 out of 7 days last week! It truly feels like Autumn in Mayberry. :)
My handsome nephew on the slide

H climbing her favorite tree

Boys having a blast in the "corn pool"

My niece

My niece is a stinker!

Our windowbox with Mums and Pumpkins from the Farmer's Market.

Go Cardinals!

The kids saw on the news that the fountains were being dyed downtown, red, for the Cardinals in the playoffs.  We trekked down to City Garden and Kiener Plaza to check it out.

October...maybe the best month ever?

I love, love, love fall! We have been having too much fun lately and settling in to our routine with school and such. Here are some pics from some of our family adventures.

Apple Picking at Eckart's @ Belleville
H and her cousins

My nephew and his HUGE apple

H and her apple

E and his apple

My niece and her apple

My dad (squinting at the sun and looking goofy) and his beautiful granddaughters

Me and my little girl

Daddy and H